I know there is more to the month, but if I dont have pictures for it, it didnt happen!!!
So far September has been a sick month for all of us. Trevor came down with what I thought was a cold about a week and a half ago. Turns out after his first trip to see the Doctor, he had two Accute Ear Infections, not a cold. He refuses to take any sort of medicine, so the Doctor gave him an antibiotic shot and a pain reliever shot that trip. Rob had the priviledge of being on that trip. He said that within 20 minutes he was a different kid. His eyes opened up, his nose stopped running and he was in much better spirits. I am totaly against shots, but I guess in this case it had to be done.
He had to make another trip back to the Doctors the next day for two more shots of antibiotics. Rob said that he did great and he did seem to be feeling a million times better. He went back to see the Doctor that Tuesday and got the green light. He ears were much, much better.
He was out of school for a week and two days. He still has a crappy cough and his nose is still running, but there really isnt anything we can do about that seeing that he will NOT take any meds. Rob and I have now caught his little cold. So we all have it now!!
When Trevor finally got his appetite back - this is what it looked like....
I talked to Rhiannon as I was leaving and she was shocked too! I guess she and Tonya had pretty much been expecting the same thing but he shocked us all!! What a BIG BOY!
Yeah! I am so glad you got some stuff posted. I have missed you!!! How are you doing? My nails look hideous. But those are the breaks. Keep on posting so I can at least keep track of you this way. Take care!
P.S. I want to go to Trevor's school!
Grandma's "Big Boy".
What a messy face, he loves to eat.
Please post pictures of your trip to the Circus.
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